User resources

The Pootle API exposes a number of resources. Next you have a complete list of User specific resources.


All URLs listed here should be appended to the base URL of the API.

Create a user

Description:Creates a new user.
API versions:1
Returns:HTTP 201 response with the relative URL for the newly created user on its Location header.


The consumer must have the appropiate permissions in order to be able to create new users.


The new user will have no password set, and therefore won’t be able to log in until a password is set, either by an administrator or by the user requesting and setting a new password.

Get a user

Description:Returns the user with the <USER> ID.
API versions:1
Returns:User with <USER> ID.


The consumer will get the user data only if it is authenticated as the user which is trying to get the data for.

    "date_joined": "2013-03-15T19:04:39.401505",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Administrator",
    "last_name": "",
    "resource_uri": "/api/v1/users/3/",
    "username": "admin"

Change a user

Description:Changes the user with the <USER> ID.
API versions:1
Method:PATCH or PUT
Returns:HTTP 204 NO CONTENT response.


The method used can be:

  • PATCH if the user is going to be partially changed (just some of its fields)
  • PUT if the whole user is going to be changed


The consumer will only be able to change the data for a given user if it:

  • Is authenticated as the user which is trying to change the data for, and
  • Has enough permissions to perform this action.

Delete a user

Description:Deletes the user with the <USER> ID.
API versions:1
Returns:HTTP 204 NO CONTENT response.


The consumer will only be able to delete a given user if it:

  • Is authenticated as the user which is trying to delete, and
  • Has enough permissions to perform this action.

Get statistics for a user

Description:Returns the user with the <USER> ID, including an extra field with its statistics.
API versions:1
Returns:User with <USER> ID and its statistics.


If the consumer is authenticated as the same user for which the statistics are shown, then some extra fields are included in the response.

This fields are the same ones that can be accessed when the consumer gets the data for a user.

    "resource_uri": "/api/v1/users/3/",
    "statistics": [
            "Portuguese (Brazil) - pt_BR",
                            "count": 2,
                            "id": "suggestions-pending",
                            "url": "/pt_BR/Firefox/translate.html#filter=user-suggestions&user=admin"
                            "count": 0,
                            "id": "suggestions-accepted",
                            "url": "/pt_BR/Firefox/translate.html#filter=user-suggestions-accepted&user=admin"
                            "count": 0,
                            "id": "suggestions-rejected",
                            "url": "/pt_BR/Firefox/translate.html#filter=user-suggestions-rejected&user=admin"
                            "count": 10,
                            "id": "submissions-total",
                            "url": "/pt_BR/Firefox/translate.html#filter=user-submissions&user=admin"
                            "count": 0,
                            "id": "submissions-overwritten",
                            "url": "/pt_BR/Firefox/translate.html#filter=user-submissions-overwritten&user=admin"
            "Russian - ru",
                            "count": 0,
                            "id": "suggestions-pending",
                            "url": "/ru/LXDE/translate.html#filter=user-suggestions&user=admin"
                            "count": 0,
                            "id": "suggestions-accepted",
                            "url": "/ru/LXDE/translate.html#filter=user-suggestions-accepted&user=admin"
                            "count": 0,
                            "id": "suggestions-rejected",
                            "url": "/ru/LXDE/translate.html#filter=user-suggestions-rejected&user=admin"
                            "count": 34,
                            "id": "submissions-total",
                            "url": "/ru/LXDE/translate.html#filter=user-submissions&user=admin"
                            "count": 0,
                            "id": "submissions-overwritten",
                            "url": "/ru/LXDE/translate.html#filter=user-submissions-overwritten&user=admin"
    "username": "admin"